The Benefits of Jumping Rope
(As reported by: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Health-related benefits:
Helps to develop and improve:
Cardio-respiratory fitness/endurance
Muscle strength
Muscle endurance
Lean body mass
Mobility and flexibility
Strong, dense bones
Stress reduction
Skill-related benefits:
Helps to develop and improve:
Timing and rhythm
Academic-related benefits:
Jumping raises the heart rate and gets more blood to the brain, feeding it needed nutrients and oxygen for heightened alertness and mental focus.
Jumping and balance activities provide a framework for reading and other academic skills by strengthening the vestibular system, which creates spatial awareness and mental alertness.
The rhythmic aspects of jumping jump can help develop the internal dialogue needed to
Establish basic reading skills
Other benefits:
Jumping Rope:
Is fun
Is easy to learn
Is inexpensive
Fosters creativity and individuality
Helps build self-esteem and self-image
Helps build social skills
Burn up to 1000 calories per hour making it the most efficient workout possible – weight loss, agility, balance.
Tones muscles in the entire body, developing long, lean muscles in all major muscle groups, both upper and lower.
Optimizes cardiovascular conditioning and maximizes athletic skills.
Helps develop synchronistic skills by turning/jumping in singles and doubles.
Most comprehensive, beneficial exercise that children of all ages can do.
Parents need to ensure that their kids get enough exercise. All children 2 years and older should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise.
I am a double dutch queen for life! I want in on the action!